School Accreditation

Mount Royal Academy is proud to be accredited through NAPCIS, the National Association of Private Catholic and Independent Schools. To learn about how Mount Royal fulfills and plans to continue to fulfilling its mission as a Catholic school committed to academic excellence, read the accrediting team's report, our self-study, and the strategic plan by clicking the links below.

NAPCIS 2023 Reaccreditation Materials

Strategic Plan: 2023-2025

Strategic Plan Announcement

What is Accreditation?

The following information is taken from the NAPCIS website:

Accreditation is “certification that a school meets all formal official requirements of academic excellence, curriculum, facilities, etc.” (Random House Dictionary of the English Language). Applied to private Catholic and independent schools, NAPCIS accreditation is a process of evaluation applying Standards of Excellence to identified criteria, leading to a recognition of professional status and credibility within the academic and general community.

As with most accrediting agencies, the self-evaluation and documentation of program, which NAPCIS requires for accreditation, is integral to the accreditation process. But unlike other accrediting agencies, NAPCIS designs the process of school assessment and self-examination to preserve the integrity of the unique identity and needs of private Catholic and independent schools as they work to preserve and teach the Catholic Faith in obedience to the Pope and Magisterium.

To read more about NAPCIS, its mission, and the history and significance of accreditation, click here.

NAPCIS Standards of Excellence

As a NAPCIS accredited school, Mount Royal has demonstrated its concordance with the following standards:

  1. The school adheres to the tenets of the Catholic Faith in recognition of and obedience to the Pope and Magisterium.
  2. The Board of Trustees, administration and faculty demonstrate the practice of the Catholic Faith in their daily lives and annually sign a profession of Faith to the Holy Roman Catholic Church and an Oath of Fidelity to the Magisterium.
  3. The school has an established and documented philosophy of education in agreement with the Catholic Faith.
  4. Catholic moral teaching is featured, supported, and rewarded in the life of the school.
  5. The school has clearly defined goals and objectives consistent with the expressed philosophy and academic program of the institution.
  6. The goals and objectives of the school are stated in a manner corresponding to the way in which the curriculum is actually organized and taught.
  7. The school defines and enforces policies and procedures regulating all administrative and academic actions.
  8. The curriculum content is informed by the Catholic tradition of excellence and demonstrated sound practices of education.
  9. The administration and faculty have the education and experience appropriate to the positions they fill and the duties they perform.
  10. The school defines and enforces admission requirements which prepare students to fully participate in the learning experience of the institution.
  11. The school evaluates student progress in learning all elements of curriculum content.
  12. The school facilities, equipment, and materials support and enhance the educational experience of the institution.
  13. The school demonstrates sound fiscal practices and processes which include long-range planning strategies to support its academic program with adequate staffing, facilities, equipment, and materials.
  14. The school demonstrates a defined organizational structure that supports the corporate and academic operations of the institution.
  15. The school ascertains how well it is meeting its defined religious and academic goals by a means of evaluation that is an ongoing, systematic review and assessment of student progress, personnel, curriculum, management and finances, facility and equipment.