"Do whatever He tells you." - John 2:5
Reflections on Catholic Education
I was blessed to be a cradle Catholic, born and brought up in our beautiful faith. The Catholic school I attended as a middle schooler had a profound effect on my faith and I am truly grateful for that time in my life. Raising and at various times homeschooling my eleven children has deepened my appreciation for the spirit that God places in each individual. We are all created in His image, yet we are all so different. Being present to each child and their needs is the challenge of both parent and teacher. The ultimate goal for each of us is Heaven and that should direct all our actions as we help to form our children for the Kingdom of God.
The words of Our Blessed Mother, "Do whatever He tells you," are simple and yet profound. We are all called to follow the plan laid out for us by Our Lord and follow His commands. Our Lady lived a life of joyful service and surrender most especially by her example rather than her words. We, as teachers, should follow her example and speak carefully and lead by example with our actions. Children learn most by what we do and not necessarily by what we say. Our job is to share the joy and hope that our lives in Jesus Christ and His Church have for us. Catholic schools present a unique opportunity to not compartmentalize our faith but to live it fully in every aspect of our lives. I want to share the love that Jesus has for each and every child in my class and teach them that the best way to return that love is to share it with each other.
Mrs. Hogan attended both Albertus Magnus College and Central Connecticut State University. She has homeschooled her eleven children and also sent them to Mount Royal Academy at various junctures. She has taught religious education at her parish and been involved with Mount Royal Academy in various capacities since 1995. She resides in Newport with her family and is a member of St. Patrick Parish.