"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love." - Mother Teresa
Reflections on Catholic Education
Educating the whole person; mind, body and soul. As a parent, it is what I dream of for my children. As an educator it is what I strive for, for all children. Faith is not something you can have now and then when it is convenient and fits into the schedule. Faith is something that you live, it is in everything that you do. To be able to share my faith with my students and to have them share theirs is a gift. I hope to plant the seeds that will grow and blossom into a lifelong love of Christ.
I grew up in a very small French-Canadian Catholic community and was an involved member of St. John the Baptist Parish in Allenstown. I spent many years singing in the Children's Choir, where I formed several great friendships that still exist today and became a believer that music speaks to the soul. I was also an altar server there from second grade through high school. In the words of my beloved Choir instructor, Mrs. Doane, and St. Augustine, "to sing is to pray twice."
Mrs. Rondeau has lived in New Hampshire all of her life. She has spent the past few years working as a Paraeducator at a public school, where her daughter was a student. After seeing some of the topics being presented to the students, she and her husband started to search for options for their kids that coincided with what their family knows as the truth. This is when she discovered MRA and all it had to offer.
Mrs. Rondeau loves seeing the joy on a child's face when they figure something out for the first time. She enjoys doing projects and crafts with the students. She also enjoys teaching her students new songs and loves to hear them singing the songs while doing other activities. She now lives in Bradford with her husband and two children who both proudly attend Mount Royal Academy.