Introductory Remarks, Headmaster Derek Tremblay
On behalf of the soon-to-be graduates, their parents, and the faculty of Mount Royal Academy, I welcome you to the 2018 commencement exercises.
After reminiscing with parents and faculty on Thursday night, a clear theme emerged. These are good-natured young men, boys at times, and not all of them are boys. Out of the 20 graduates here today, there are 2 young women after all. Don’t feel bad for them: they don’t feel bad for themselves.
During the Baccalaureate Mass, Fr. Michael exhorted the graduates to never forget the context of all the knowled...
Read MoreDear Families,
As Mr. Tremblay mentioned last week, our annual awards ceremony will take place in St. Joseph Center on June 4 beginning at 6 p.m. We are making a slight change to the format – the grade 1-5 awards will begin at 6:00 p.m. followed by a brief intermission and concluding with grade 6-11 awards at 6:45 p.m. – which we hope will allow those with younger kiddos to be home earlier.
To be perfectly honest, the awards ceremony always causes the faculty a bit of angst. We try to balance the fact that every student in this school is a unique and extraordinary child of God with our beli...
Read MoreAs we approach the end of the 2017 - 2018 school year, it seems as though we can't slow time down. We are just under four weeks from Baccalaureate Mass (June 8) and then the commencement exercises (June 9) on the day after. We invite you to celebrate the God-given vocation of our graduates by attending our commencement activities.
On June 10, MRA will have graduated 87 students since 2003, with 70 of those graduates coming after 2010. That was the year when we committed to the PreK - 12 educational model, and we are really starting to see the fruit with each graduating class.
The Class of 2...
Read MoreThe math curriculum at Mount Royal strives to take children from number literacy and arithmetic in the elementary school through Calculus or Calculus readiness in 12th grade. After a strong foundation in classical arithmetic, our students are prepared to accept the rigors of higher math. When experienced from the beginning, the Mount Royal math curriculum develops students into proficient mathematicians and problem solvers.
We carefully choose resources which do not support Common Core. Fundamentally, the idea of categorizing and regimenting student success within this standard is contrary...
Read MoreDr. Amy Sansone of Mount Royal Academy was named one of the three finalists for the 2018 Teacher of the Year Award by the Catholic Schools Office of the Diocese of Manchester. This is just her first-year teaching at Mount Royal Academy, but she is quickly gaining the admiration of her students, the parents, and colleagues.
The successes of Catholic schools and their students would not be possible without the selfless support of committed educators, administrators, clergy, and lay partners in the community. This year, the diocese is holding its second annual Recognizing Excellence Awards Gala ...
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Dear Families,
An ongoing conversation I seem to have with other parents, both here at school and among friends, is that of our children’s social media use. As parents, we walk the fine line of wanting to trust our children’s ability to make good decisions and knowing the minefield that is social media. I am always curious how other families navigate this issue.
It is interesting to me that both kids and adults have the tendency to say things on social media that they might not in actual conversation. Perhaps it is easier to speak without a filter when the other person is not directly...
Read MoreMount Royal Academy has announced academic awards for the 3rd Quarter of the 2017-2018 school year. 37 students earned a position on the Headmaster’s List with a 4.0 average for the 3rd quarter.
More than 60% of the student body attained Honor Roll recognition; placing on the Headmaster’s List, the High Honors List (no more than one B), or the Honors List (no more than one C). In total, 112 students received Academic Honors.
Grade 1
Headmaster’s List: Chad Hemingway, Emma LeBlanc, Lucy Treece, Jubilee Tremblay, Bethany Tuck, Juliana Yost
High Honors: Emma Kelley, Avilina Orlowski
Honors: Isa...
Read MoreDear Families,
Thank you to all of the families who have already signed enrollment contracts for next year. As you likely figured out, we are trying to improve our practices to both simplify and make the process more effective. We do value reconsidering current practices in all facets of our mission- even if considered best practices - to make sure we do not miss an opportunity to improve.There are tools available now that were not before, but perhaps due to my own obsessive focus on the reasons behind all things, I began to wonder why the world seems to be moving in the direction of better an...
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