
Teaching Beyond Tests Equals Better Results

Given the recent decline in math and English proficiency in the state of NH, below are some key indicators from the most recent data we have:

PSAT 8/9 (Spring 2017)

  • 100% of 8th grade students reach proficiency in ERW (evidence based reading and writing) and 73% were proficient in math.
  • 91% of 9th graders were proficient in ERW, 91% in math.

This compared to statewide proficiency numbers below 60% in math and English for students below grade 11 taking the Smarter Balanced test, and then 66% proficient in ERW in grade 11 and only 49% proficient in math on the actual SAT.

When you look at a...

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A Refreshingly Liberating Teaching Methodology

Dear Families,

Thank you to all of the families who participated in or attended the Fall Festival. It is always refreshing to come together as a community, and of course, the weather cooperated for once. I personally had a great time catching up with all of you.

At the recent coffee hour with the leadership team, questions about curriculum came up, which we of course find very exciting! Selecting a new resource isn't the only step: successful implementation depends upon professional development and progress monitoring. We are privileged to partner with the Institute for Excellence in Writing, ...

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Holy Spirit: Unifier of Hearts

Dear Families,

A question that has been heavy on my heart is how do we move beyond the divisiveness that leads to evolving forms of violence and daily dysfunction?

Classical thinkers have the answer: St. Thomas Aquinas in particular had a way of juggling conflicting opinions in the air, but allowing the reader to see the whole picture and discover what answer makes the most sense. It wasn't always a direct answer, but the profound integration of all forms of knowledge and truth made an impression on me. In fact, I still listen to Thomist podcasts of all my college professors to exercise my own...

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Modeling Growth and Innovation

Dear Families,

As you know, all faculty will head to Concord this Friday for the annual diocesan teacher formation day.  It is an occasion for all teachers and administrators working in Catholic schools throughout the state to come together and be reminded of our mission as Catholic educators.  The day kicks off with Mass, presided over by Bishop Libasci, and continues with various speakers addressing our role in Catholic education.  The day is part professional development and part retreat, and we all come away with batteries recharged.

Two other professional development days are planned this...

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Let Us Begin Anew

Our weekly message from the Headmaster to start the school year. 

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MRA Named to Catholic Honor Roll

Mount Royal Academy has been recognized as a Catholic Education Honor Roll School. The national Honor Roll program is directed by the Cardinal Newman Society and has recognized over 300 high-performing Catholic high schools nationwide since the program’s inception in 2004.

MRA engaged in a thorough internal and external review of its comprehensive program offerings before being awarded this status.  It has received specific recognition for its strong integration of Catholic identity throughout its efforts, including the integrity of its mission, and the strength of its community and rich spir...

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Baby Bottle Benefit Drive Saves Lives

Mount Royal Academy’s Admissions Director and theology teacher, Matt McMenaman, recently presented a $500.00 check to Anne Burge of Pregnancy Center of the Upper Valley. It was the culmination of a “baby bottle benefit” fundraiser that took place at the school during the spring. Read More

The Faith of a Child

The capstone of our virtue of the month program this year will be faith. Faith “is the theological virtue by which we believe in God and believe all that he has said and revealed to us, and that Holy Church proposes for our belief, because he is truth itself.” (CCC 1814) Read More

4th Quarter Academic Honors

Mount Royal Academy has announced academic awards for the 4th Quarter of the 2016-2017 school year. 34 students earned a position on the Headmaster’s List with a 4.0 average for the 4th quarter.

More than 60% of the student body attained Honor Roll recognition; placing on the Headmaster’s List, the High Honors List (no more than one B), or the Honors List (no more than one C). In total, 134 students received Academic Honors.

Grade 1

Headmaster’s List: Olivia Heath, Kathryn McLaughlin

High Honors: Isabella Acevedo

Honors: Ella Gifford, Bayn Harris

Grade 2

Headmaster’s List:  Lucja ...

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Showcasing Quantity and Quality at 2017 Commencement Exercises

The sun was shining and smiles were beaming on the faces of the largest graduating class of Mount Royal Academy last Saturday. The 15 members of the class of 2017 and the 13 students of the class of 2021 were joined by faculty, staff, family, and friends for the commencement exercises in the Saint Joseph Center.

As Headmaster Tremblay noted in his opening remarks, “Quantity is a moot point unless we consider the quality of these candidates before us.” He went on to explain, “What I learned most from this class is that circumstances should never change who you are, or who you are meant to be. ...

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