
The Salesian Way

The staff of Mount Royal Academy started the school year by receiving training in the preventative system, otherwise known as the Salesian Way. We were honored to welcome Sr. Eflie back to campus. 

The preventative system is predicated on three pillars: reason, religion, and loving kindness. It was inspired by the life of St. John Bosco, the preeminent model of educative presence. Perhaps there is no better explanation than the very words of this saint of the youth. 

The following is a letter written by St. John Bosco to the staff of his own school - or oratory as he called it - back in...

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The Anchor of our School

"At the time of her death,
Mary “having completed the course of her earthly life,
was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.”

- Pope Pius XII, Munificentissimus Deus, 1950

Sometimes (most times, in my experience) it is hard to “hear” God speaking to us.  Other times, it is as if he delivers his message with a baseball bat to the head.  The past two days for me have been the baseball bat scenario.

As I was talking to him about what to write in this welcome message, trying not to rehash stale old sentiments about back to school excitement, he clearly showed me that I need to speak about t...

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4th Quarter Academic Honors

Mount Royal Academy has announced academic awards for the 4th Quarter of the 2022-2023 school year.

Grade 6

Headmaster’s list: Haley Elkind, Emma LeBlanc, Lucy Treece, Jubilee Tremblay, Juliana Yost

High Honors: Clare Holliston

Honors: Joy Joseph, Emma Kelley

Grade 7

Headmaster’s list: Allison Cass, Ella Gifford, Charles Lee, Kathryn McLaughlin, Liam O’Brien, Liam Swegart

High Honors: Isabella Acevedo

Honors: Sean Brodigan, Eva Dowd, Clayton Herrick

Grade 8

Headmaster’s list: Sophia Chimienti, Katherine Messmore, Lindsey Smrkovski

Honors: Maia Dow

Grade 9

Headmaster’s list: Warren Bugbee, Ma...

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2023 Commencement

Julia Stout, Welcome Address

Good morning and welcome! I would like to thank everyone for coming here this morning to support us as we, the Mount Royal Academy Class of 2023, cherish our final moments as students of this remarkable school. 

Yesterday at our Baccalaureate Mass, our school community came together in the Holy Mass for the final time this school year. Not only did our class receive spiritual guidance and a blessing for our future, we also were able to offer our thanksgiving to God for our lives, our friendships, our families, our faith, and most importantly in that moment: ...

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2023 National Honor Society Induction Ceremony

On Friday, May 19th we held our NHS Induction Ceremony and welcomed six new members into the chapter here at Mount Royal Academy. As always, it was a great event for our community, and it was such a pleasure to see these young men and women stepping into their new leadership role. Whenever we do these things, it is worth taking a moment to reflect and remember why we do them. What makes this meaningful? 

Membership in the NHS is not a mere status symbol. It is not a way for students to show off, distinguish themselves, or bolster their resumes. It takes hard work to be accepted into the NHS, ...

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2023 Senior Thesis Presentations

The Class of 2023 recently completed their senior thesis defense presentations. This annual event is the capstone of our high school liberal arts curriculum. The mission of the school is crystallized at this moment each year. Seniors are tasked with selecting a voice from the tradition. It could be an author from our canon or one of particular interest to the student. Topics included the formation of character and virtue through athletics, critiques of Sanger’s eugenics ideology and Rousseau’s political theory, the shallow beauty of aestheticism, and unnatural human isolation. A full list is ...

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Information without formation is useless

“And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” – Matt 28:20

I love it when a plan comes together.  I’m not talking about a plan of my creation, mind you.  This is Our Lord’s plan, and as one would expect, it is sublime.

Next Sunday we celebrate Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the infant Church. In fact, Pentecost is known as the birthday of the Church.  The Holy Spirit descended as tongues of fire on each of the disciples, filling them with zeal, wisdom, and the courage to leave the upper room where they had been hiding since Jesus’ Ascension, and begin to preach. Th...

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Reflection on the Mission of Catholic Education

“Peace I leave with you;
my peace I give to you.
Not as the world gives do I give it to you.
Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” - John 14:27

May is a bittersweet month. There is a certain intellectual and emotional exhaustion that naturally develops at the end of an academic year. This is all very normal and ordinary because of the hard work that should be commended. For students and teachers, the appetites of our souls are formed in these waning moments. Each day becomes a little harder to complete as we approach the end. I am sure parents feel it too! But we must rem...

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Resurrexit, sicut dixit, alleluia

Resurrexit, sicut dixit, alleluia 

On Wednesday of Holy Week, as I left campus for the Easter break, I was eager to celebrate the sacred days of the Triduum and the wonder of the Resurrection.  It had been a long winter and Lent, and I awaited the coming festivities with great anticipation. I was also looking a little further ahead to our return to campus twelve days later.  I anticipated sunnier skies, warmer temperatures, revitalized teachers, and recharged students – a springtime renewal, of sorts.  Our Lord, in his wisdom, mercy, and infinite generosity, has provided all this and so much ...

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Fully Accredited Again!

Announcing another full term of accreditation status!

"I am pleased to inform you that Mount Royal Academy has been granted a full term of accreditation from the National Association of Private Catholic and Independent Schools.

As an accrediting agency specifically designed to uphold the Standards of Excellence in schools committed to preserving and teaching the Catholic Faith loyal to the Holy See, NAPCIS is proud to recognize the work of Mount Royal Academy and the dedication of its Board of Directors, Administration, faculty and staff in educating our youth as future leaders in the...

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