
Senior Boys Look Back on Basketball Season

The Mount Royal Basketball boys basketball team had its most successful season in school history. Our boys were finally victorious in capturing the title at the annual Mount Royal Tournament, a tradition that will continue well into the future, as we look forward to the opening of our own gym for the 2011 - 2012 school year.

Our coach, Mr. Will Begin, had this to say shortly after the championship game:

"Wow! Hard to believe the season is over. This team came a long way from November to March....It's a long season but to see the improvement over the season is inspiring as a coach. The kids wer...

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Student Offers Principled Defense of Fight For Life

First, a little context...

The theology curriculum at our high school culminates with an Apologetics course. Students are challenged to contemplate and express the veracity and sensibility of Catholicism, while polishing academic and social competencies that are essential for their character growth. In particular, critical thinking, logic, oral speaking, and rhetorical debate are embedded into the instruction of the course.

The fourth level of the classical curriculum is rhetoric, in which students focus on supporting perspectives with reasonable and logical evidence, while appealing to univer...

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Lenten Links for Families

Today we celebrate Ash Wednesday, embarking upon our journey through Lent, until we experience the fullness of the Paschal Mystery during the Holy Triduum.

At Mount Royal we embrace the Lenten season. Students hear morning reflections during prayer and assembly. We  also pray the Stations of the Cross each Friday morning. This year, our Campus Ministry is organizing a Food Fast as a way to participate in one of the spiritual pillars of Lent - fasting, almsgiving, and prayer -, but also to become informed concerning chronic hunger around the globe.

Below, families will discover links to various...

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Knights Basketball: Season in Progress

The Mount Royal boys basketball team is having one of its most successful seasons in recent years. The Knights currently possess a 7-4 record, and our younger squad is undefeated in two games against other Junior Varsity squads. We asked the coach, Mr. Will Begin, some questions to discover why the team is performing exceedingly well.

Coach Begin shared that the team willingly plays defense. This is very revealing, as most teams go for the glory by focusing on individual offensive opportunities, rather than spill their tanks on the defensive side of the ball. A common mantra that if often stat...

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January: Pro-Life Month

Check out the following link, a reflection authored by a seminarian who attended the March for Life 2011. Our students certainly shared similar sentiments about the magnitude and awesomeness of the March for Life experience.

We actually attended a Prayer for Life Vigil at Mount Saint Mary's University the evening before, and then a Sunrise Rally at the same institution on the morning of the March. Once we are able to digest the full survey of what our students felt and experienced at the various rallies and March, we will be sure to share some general observations.

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Yet Another Snow Day

Eeeeekkk, another snow day. It is very challenging to accept God's Providence sometimes, especially when we have our own plans that are supposedly done in order to cooperate with His intentions. We are reminded once again of how mysterious His intentions are.

Our Pro-Life night has been stalled, postponed, and at worst canceled. This may be cause for worry or despair because we were so close to having one this year, but we must nevertheless trust in the Father's will.

We were not able to have a final meeting before the March for Life. Well, looks like were are placing that in God's hands as we...

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Why do we March for Life?

Our annual March for Life pilgrimage is a truly distinctive trademark of the Mount Royal curriculum. We often hear of parochial schools permitting students to take the time off of school in order to embark upon the journey to D.C., yet rarely do we hear of parochial schools themselves inserting the March into the yearly Academic Calendar.

The March is a great sacrifice for many families. It is both a financial strain, and also an emotional headache. Allowing one's child to March through D.C. amidst a crowd of nearly 700,000 people can really increase a parent's anxieties.

We are truly blessed ...

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Second Snow Day of School Year

As we bask in the rest of another snow day, perhaps we can utilize the time God has given us to encounter him more deeply through silence and prayer.  Yeah right! The mission of a family is not entirely conducive to quietly contemplating the mystery of God's love for us. Alas, for those of us who will not have that luxury this day, we have listed below a series of links which can also deepen our awareness of Christ in our lives. But first, a little contextual reminder ought to assist us in recognizing how interconnected the world is today, and also how much more quickly and effectively we can ...

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Our Patron and Advent

During this most sacred season where Christians strive to settle our saturated hearts in order to seek the silence of our Savior's birth, St. Joseph - our patron - enters the forefront of our spiritual journey once again. His powerful intercession has continually provided our school with all our needs, just as he protected and provided for his adopted Son during the frightening months after his birth. He is often dubbed "Joseph the Silent" because he never utters a word in the scriptures. Rather, his resolute actions speak louder than any word that he could speak.

At Mount Royal, leaning on Jo...

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December ALREADY?!

Onward into December we go! Before students and teachers can so much as blink an eye, the school year advances into this wonderful and festive season.

As we embark upon this early winter journey towards Christmas we are reminded of how our academic calendar is largely influenced by the liturgical calendar of our faith community - the Church. Today students began to decorate school buildings, and immediately the Mount Royal charism becomes apparent; creches, advent wreaths, and customary cultural decorations are combined to create an atmosphere indicative of the true purpose of the advent seaso...

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