
Cor Unum Meal Center

We are posting a link to the site where nearly a dozen of our students will be volunteering on this upcoming Saturday, October 30th.

Below, a description from their website expresses the distinctiveness of the type of service our students will be performing:

"We serve hundreds of people every day, with a small core staff and a large army of generous volunteers. We opened the doors of the Cor Unum Meal Center on September 30, 2006 and in our first four years we served over 650,000 guests! At the current rate of meal service, approximately 200,000 meals are served annually at Cor Unum.

Cor Unum ...

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Freedom Trail

Just a reminder: the entire Upper School will be traveling to Boston, Massachusetts to embark upon the famous Freedom Trail on this upcoming Thursday. Each grade level is studying some form of United States History, and with the sites of the American Revolution so close to our area, how could we not take advantage of such a wonderful opportunity?

We welcome some extra prayers for the safety and protection of our students as we travel, and that they may be roused to seek true freedom through Christ as they learn about how our political freedom was won for us centuries ago.

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A Familiar Feast Calls For Preparation

As All Saints Day nears, a day proclaimed to be especially holy in the liturgical calendar, our school began its annual preparations in honor of this special day. This is yet another distinctive feature of the Mount Royal charism, as we aim to celebrate the glory of God and the saints, in stark juxtaposition against the deceitfulness and malice of some of the more popular cultural traditions.

We are re-implementing the Big Buddy, Little Buddy program this year. All of the upper grade level students are paired with lower grade level students, where they converse about the life of the saint, pre...

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Knights Tuning For Playoffs

With only 3 games overall left in the schedule - 1 exhibition and 2 league matches - the Knights are nearing the postseason. We posted a 1-1 record during the last week, thus settling us at 4-5-1 overall and 4-4 in league play. We will most likely finish in either 3rd or 4th place, which we give us the privilege of hosting a 1st round playoff match against a lower seed.

On Monday we competed against RSEC Academy, and finished with a 2-1 victory in what became a very hard fought battle. We were without some key forwards, thereby hindering our offensive explosiveness. However, Jason Fraioli and ...

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Pope Benedict and Blessed Newman Champion Catholic Education

Why do families entrust their children to Catholic schools? The following reflection by David G. Bonagura Jr., published over at CatholicThing.org very aptly summarizes the main purpose of Catholic education.

We share this with you because many families involved in Catholic education sacrifice a great deal to send their children to a school such as ours. These are profound words of encouragement that ought to strengthen and solidify our resolve to continue pressing forward with the overall mission of our school: the total and complete formation of the embodied soul - the human person.


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School's Namesake Offers Another Heavenly Intercessor

Yesterday, October 17th, 2010, the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Blessed Brother Andre Bessette of St. Joseph's Oratory was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI, along with five other saints. We are truly in a period of saints, as more saints have been canonized by Pope John Paul II and Benedict than all other Holy Fathers in history - COMBINED!

The name of our school is spiritually joined to the famous mount upon which St. Joseph's Oratory was constructed.  A basilica now towers over Montreal on that very location, the fruit of Saint Andre's lifelong labors of healing the physically and spiritually...

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Resiliency of Knights Fosters Dominating Win

Over this past week the Knights have demonstrated a rapid improvement in their overall performance. The trials of the earlier part of the season have certainly borne fruit, made visible in our efforts against Jesse Remington and Parker Academy. These games, and all of our upcoming league games for that matter, are absolutely crucial for tournament seeding. We are striving for at least one home playoff game as a way to thank all of our supporters who have been there throughout the season.

Although the scoreboard indicated a loss against Jesse Remington - by a score of 2-3 - it was a win in our ...

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Please, help spread the good news regarding God's handiwork at Mount Royal Academy by linking us on your facebook page.

Thank you!

St. Joseph, Pray for Us!

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Our Lady of the Rosary

As we have mentioned before, there are certainly a significant amount of distinctive features of the Mount Royal experience. Yesterday, we embarked on a spiritual pilgrimage to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. We confusingly but miraculously - and partially through the benevolence of the parent - pile into as many vehicles as needed, then travel 20 minutes north of the school to a LaSallate shrine. It is a great sacrifice that the entire school offers in thanksgiving to the prayers of Our Lady, who continues to lovingly watch over our school community. We were also asked to pray ...

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Knights Are Having Fun!

A quick soccer update...

Our overall record is now 2-4-1. Our league record is currently 2-3.

In the past week we have matched up against two local private schools: Cardigan Mountain and Proctor. These are all male teams that usually provide the toughest challenges for us. Oddly enough, although we have been struggling to find solid footing against teams in the NHPSAL, we have been playing our best soccer in these two ultra-competitive games.

We lost to Cardigan by a score of 3-0, but the score rarely tells the whole story. Typically, we are outplayed and outmatched by Cardigan's 7th - 9th you...

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