My name is Derek Tremblay. I teach grade levels seven through twelve, otherwise known as the Upper School at Mount Royal Academy.
God has oddly called me to attempt to instill within the hearts and minds of our youth both a desire and an awareness for the truth about Himself and us through the study of theology, and also His plan for salvation history, as observed in social studies.
We strive to focus on the classical tradition in order to detect the permanence of God's truth and His love for us. Learning alongside such splendidly faithful and intelligent children is one of the greatest gifts God has ever given me.
I was welcomed into the Mount Royal community almost two full years ago, and I intend to be a part of it until God calls me elsewhere, at which point I will assuredly attempt to bargain with Him not to do so.
I cannot effectively illustrate the unique charism that permeates through the entire community. The only feature about the school that I wish to propose is this: we represent the resiliency of the Catholic tradition and culture, when it is authentically passed along, just as it was from Christ to the Apostles.
We do not neglect the reality of our Lord's presence in our everyday life, as we often pray throughout the school day, while making regular visits to His Eucharistic presence on campus.
We do not boldly declare that the work of formation and education is exclusively our own. Rather, parents and educators, with the help of divine grace, cooperate to exemplify the attractiveness of virtue and piety.
We do profess an unrelenting reliance on divine providence. Ask any of the founding families if they imagined what the school would become; or, look at how many families receive financial assistance, and then devise a speculated budget. The numbers never add up, pointing to the fact that God coaches us to truth His will.
We do offer to God whatever we can so that He can shape saints. We don't track graduates. We track saints, and many future saints can certainly be discovered in our classrooms and wider community.
Our students are formed at every at every level: bodily, so as to glorify our Creator God through the good creation He has given us; intellectually, thereby enabling them to both discover and become captivated by the universal Truth; and spiritually, thus assisting them in acquiring tools for how to communicate with our Lord.
Personally, I anxiously await the day when, God willing, my own children will attend Mount Royal. If God ever pulled our family, I would learn what it means to truly surrender.
The Mount Royal community is for everyone. We welcome all people into our doors, so please come and see another sign of God's loving presence here on earth.