Back To School Mass/Potluck on Sunday, September 9.
Mount Royal Academy students, faculty and parents will be celebrating the start to the 2012-2013 school year at the 10 a.m. Mass at St. Joachim on September 9. EVERYONE is invited to attend this Mass, regardless of whether or not you are Catholic. Mount Royal students should wear their school uniforms to this special Mass. Following Mass, your family is invited to a potluck reception back at the school at 11:15. We hope you will join us as we celebrate the beginning of the school year. Please bring a dish or two to share. We have invited parishioners from St. Joachim's to join us as well. We are also honored to have our visiting scholar, author Joseph Pearce, speaking at the school following lunch. If you are able to attend, Please go to the following link and write in your families name under the type of dish you will be bringing so that we know if what is still needed. We hope to see you all on Sunday, September 9!