Dear Families,
Home stretch, here we come! It is hard to believe that we only have six and a half weeks of school left, and a mere four and a half for our eighth graders and seniors. We've tried to keep you in the loop with all the concluding events below, and I would make sure to remain attentive to classroom teachers’ weekly messages to get a pulse on fun field trips.
Now that May 1 has come and gone, our seniors have made commitments to life after Mount Royal Academy. Our mission is focused on vocational calling, not career building. Our students will be in the world, but not of the world. We think their value is derived from the incalculable dignity bestowed on each person by God, not simply by an individual's productivity in the work force or even contribution to the common good. In fact, not all students are meant to attend a four-year college, and no student should ever think they are less important because of a calling to enter the armed services or learn a valuable trade. Instead, our goal is to teach students how to be human, and that they are made for an ultimate purpose.
I do want to share the good that is happening for our seniors though, because we should rejoice in their vocational calling and pursuits beyond MRA. As one might imagine, due to the fact that this is the largest senior class ever, both the quantity and quality of college acceptance is quite high. Their final landing spots include Ave Maria University, St. Lawrence University, Colby Sawyer College, Franciscan University, Fordham University, Keene State College,Northeast Catholic College, and Lawrence University. And for the second year in a row, one of our graduates will be enlisting into the armed services (Army).
Areas of study include nursing – the most popular for MRA graduates in recent years – English with a focus on journalism, political science, computer technology, psychology, business administration, and liberal arts.
As we cherish these final weeks with our seniors, I encourage all of us to pray in gratitude for the gift of these fine young men and women. The world needs hearts ready to be given away, and the challenges that surround young people as they enter into a season of increased independence are obvious to us all. If there is one thing we wish for our children, it is that they know and embrace the call to live life as a gift for others. Our nature is hard-wired for this,so let us pray for the grace of the Holy Spirit to incessantly invigorate the hearts, minds, and souls of the class of 2017.
Yours Truly In Christ,
Derek Tremblay