Dear Families,
As we approach the Holy Triduum, I am reminded each day of how unholy I often feel. There is a quip among Catholics that is utilized when something jarring or unpleasant takes place before the Triduum - "It must be Holy Week." It is an ongoing struggle to remain faith-filled in the face of daily suffering. And yet, Jesus remarked "If anyone wishes to follow me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me."
Catholicism is unique because daily suffering possesses a qualitative character. Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil collectively signify that suffering is both meritorious and redemptive. I find that in the grind of March, the springtime of our faith appropriately resets our hearts to learn or remember that our daily struggles are never meaningless, but rather, meaningful.
This can be peculiarly challenging to swallow, like a bitter or over-sized pill. But instead of merely reducing the negative effects of a symptom, the Paschal mystery - Jesus' arrest, death, and resurrection - transformed the human heart so we can do more than simply withstand the struggles of daily life; the Triduum proclaims that each day is but another second chance, an opportunity to see through the darkness and into the light.
Even if we think we are forgotten or that no one is listening, there is always someone out there willing to support us as we struggle to carry our daily crosses. I think that is a distinctive feature of our school community, and I am so thankful for all that you do for the school, each other, and my family.
Wishing you and yours a spiritually enriching Triduum, and a blessed Easter.
Sincerely In Christ,
Derek Tremblay