It was a great blessing to join Bishop Libasci and 6,000 Catholic school students from 27 NH Catholic schools to consecrate ourselves to the Blessed Virgin Mary. These words of the Bishop’s consecration prayer capture the essence of the event, “Dearest Mother, we know that each of us is precious in your eyes and that all that you embrace is touched by God’s grace. As the Angel Gabriel said, you are “full of grace,” and, “the Lord is with you” (Luke 1:28). Therefore, we place our administrators, our teachers, students and staff, all our properties, our buildings as well as all operations, intentions and purposes within the confines of your Immaculate Heart, in the power of your Motherly love and in the protection of your Divine Maternity.”
MRA students fully participated in the event. Ten students from third through twelfth grade each lead one Hail Mary of the rosary. Fifteen altar servers vested and joined the procession of Our Lady of Fatima. They were joined by our second grade 1st Holy Communicants and fifth grade students who submitted essays as part of a diocesan contest (Click here to see more pictures). The procession concluded with a tradition May Crowning of Mary.
All of the schools on hand contributed to the procession. This day of solidarity among Catholic school students captured the essence of the rich heritage of the faith. The display of deep traditions and moments of piety gave meaning to the universal aspect of the church. As the next generation of Catholics prepare to become leaders in building the civilization of love, they will no doubt draw from this experience a lasting impression of what it means to be Catholic.