On Thursday, March 19th, the entire MRA school community gathered to observe the solemnity of a very special heavenly patron - St. Joseph.
Fr. Michael Monette and Fr. Rick St. Louis concelebrated the Mass. After Mass, students processed to St. Joseph, leaving petitions and words of gratitude to his intercession. The school was also blessed to receive a bouquet of roses from a generous benefactor.
As is customary, the entire student body shared lunch together, followed by cake. High school students and teachers served the younger students, as students across all ages sat together.
It is difficult to fathom the growth and dynamism of the MRA school community without recalling the support of St. Joseph. Each day St. Joseph is called upon to intercede for the needs of the school, but more importantly, for the faithfulness of its mission. St. Joseph is famously silent in the gospels, yet he willingly surrenders himself to God's plan for the salvation of humanity.
Please join us in asking St. Joseph for another 20 years of heavenly support.