An Open Invitation to a Truly Liberating Education

An Open Invitation to a Truly Liberating Education

What is the purpose of education? The root meaning of the word is “to train” or “to lead”. But the question remains: for what purpose is one being trained, where should one be led? Are children to be trained in the arts of language, mathematics, science, and history so that they can be molded into successful workers? Some are satisfied with this end. Mount Royal Academy has a much greater end in mind.

The world needs souls on fire. Our Lord longed to set the world ablaze with souls burning with love, a love for God and man. Education then, should be grounded in and oriented towards this love. At the heart of Mount Royal Academy’s curriculum is the classical liberal ideal of the “free man”; the person who receives knowledge from the great minds of history, who understands the necessity of virtue, and who seeks with his whole being the true, the good, and the beautiful. A student thus trained will be successful in life, no matter the career path or vocation.

Mount Royal Academy was founded on this ideal and continues this mission in its 22nd year of operation. With the aim of forming the whole person, we provide a rigorous academic curriculum, musical and artistic development, and competitive sports programs. Every aspect of the school is infused with the living faith of the church.

You are personally invited to come experience MRA first hand. Please contact me directly to book a tour or find out about upcoming events. New applicants are accepted on a rolling basis, however, registration and application fees are waived for new students who apply before January 1, 2017.


Matt McMenaman

Admissions Director/Theology Teacher

Mount Royal Academy