Today we honored the victims of the September 11th tragedies with a morning ceremony around the flag pole outside. We also recognized those members of our school community whom are active public servants as medical professionals, policeman, fireman, or in the armed services.
Below is a text of the prayer recited by the Student Government president Matthew Bocko.
Almighty God, Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and King of all Nations,
we beg your continued blessings upon all those who proudly call America home.
On this the eleventh anniversary of the tragedies of September 11th,
we stand here in your presence and ask that you hear our petitions.
Where two or three are gathered O Lord, you are surely present in their midst.
We lift up to you all of those families who were immediately impacted by the violence of that day. We pray for families who were mourning and are still grieving over their lost loved ones. We ask that through generosity, may the peace of Christ the King eradicate all terrorism, hatred, and violence in the world.
We give you thanks for the selflessness and dedication of the many first responders, and especially for those who paid the ultimate price that day. As we gather together, we recall all public servants and military personnel who sacrifice their lives in order to protect our most cherished freedoms. Please O Lord, provide your protection for their safety.
Author of Truth, we pray for an end to all religious perversion and ignorance. Help us to walk in the light of truth as we uphold to teachings of our own faith. May we also strive to understand others in their quest for truth, and may our witness be a cause of conversion for those souls who invoke God when they carry out such horrendous and wicked acts upon other human beings.
Please accept our sacrifice and prayer on behalf of all those souls who perished on that tragic day, and may they experience the eternal bliss of gazing upon your beauty in the Heavenly Kingdom.
O Giver and Sustainer of all human life, cultivate within us a loving appreciation for the gift of life, as well as for the singular gift of liberty. Revive in all people a respect for religious freedom, and as we remember those inhumane attacks upon our freedom, renew within us a new sense of responsibility for freedom's cause.
We beseech your blessing upon all those who have gathered here, and most of all O Loving Father, we thank you the great gift of our beloved country.
***UPDATED: Pictures from the prayer service have been placed into a slideshow below!