With a standing room only crowd at the St. Joachim Parish Hall on Friday, May 20th, the Mount Royal Academy Drama Society opened the first performance of Hello, Shakespeare! What began as a simple lecture from our austere narrator turned into a magical and exciting journey thanks to the hijinks of his pesky helper and a myriad of timeless characters.
Featuring Bernadette Klucinec (11th grade) and Peter Yost (10th grade) as well as students from grades 6th through 12th. There was even a surprise appearance by 3rd grader Luke Moorehouse. The MRADS had the crowd laughing from curtain to closing with their talent and wit showing full form in a performance that the Bard himself would never forget!
Directed by 6th grade teacher Christopher Rand, the troupe began the evening with dramatic and comedic monologues from the likes of J.M. Barre and Shakespeare, himself! An encore performance the next day proved just as entertaining as the first night with comedy, tragedy, and history as the guiding themes of wonderful performances.