On Thursday, February 19th, Kate Breaker from the Network for Education Opportunity will be offering an informational session at Mount Royal Academy, beginning at 2:30pm.
The purpose of the event is to support parents interested in utilizing scholarship assistance to help send their children to an alternative school.
This event is open to the public.
The NEO believes that "The liberty that drives action, the ownership that results in caring, and a community of united, like minded individuals is a recipe for success. It’s the recipe for true education reform — reform that does not just tweak the status quo and hope the storm will die down for a while, but a renewal that changes the very ways we define and deliver education and the outcomes we expect. Parents empowered by ownership and liberty and working in union with people they trust form the foundation that will give us the education we want and that our children deserve."
For more information on the mission of NEO, please visit www.networkforeducation.org/vision.