Second Snow Day of School Year

As we bask in the rest of another snow day, perhaps we can utilize the time God has given us to encounter him more deeply through silence and prayer.  Yeah right! The mission of a family is not entirely conducive to quietly contemplating the mystery of God's love for us. Alas, for those of us who will not have that luxury this day, we have listed below a series of links which can also deepen our awareness of Christ in our lives. But first, a little contextual reminder ought to assist us in recognizing how interconnected the world is today, and also how much more quickly and effectively we can spread the Good News. One wonders what St. Paul would have done with the world wide web.

Pope Benedict the XVI will give an address today to mark the 45th World Day of Social Communications. His message is based on the theme, "Truth, proclamation, and authenticity of life in the digital age". The digital generation is thus exhorted to harness the new gifts of technology in order to spread the message of Christ.

Even when nature traps us indoors we can still connect to world at large. Even though we live out our Christian discipleship in the Upper Valley of New Hampshire, we can contribute to the evangelization of the entire globe.

Follow the links below to discover some leading voices of Christ and Catholicism currently evangelizing on the world wide web.

Happy Surfing!

St. Joseph, Pray for us!