Last week the Mount Royal Student Government sponsored a popular and developing tradition: Spirit Week. Spirit Week is an opportunity where students demonstrate their passion for Mount Royal. Like most school-wide events, upper school students and lower school students come together and enjoy each others company.
On Monday we celebrated our weekly Mass, bringing together all of those special intentions that have been entrusted to our school community, and presenting them to Jesus in the highest form of prayer, the Holy Sacrifice on the altar.
Tuesday was a day when visitors to the school certainly would have observed the spirit of our students. Students could been seen wearing all sorts of crazy and unique hats, such as a turkey that sang. Students also styled their hair very humorously, and it was apparent that many of them put a lot of effort into shaping their hair into directions that led to many double-takes by onlookers.
On Thursday, classrooms decorated cookies, which gave teachers all they could handle, as they returned to their classrooms after students consumed a lot of sugar. Friday, lower school classrooms played games in the gymnasium under the direction of upper school students.
A special thank you to the Student Government organizers who helped make this possible. We also thank the parents and teachers who made many sacrifices, allowing the festivities to intervene into their households and classrooms.