Ms. Magdalena Dajka

Ms. Magdalena Dajka

“At the back of our brains, so to speak, there was a forgotten blaze or burst of astonishment at our own existence. The object of the artistic and spiritual life was to dig for this submerged sunrise of wonder, so that a man sitting in a chair might suddenly understand that he was actually alive, and be happy.” - G. K. Chesterton

Reflections on Catholic Education

According to Chesterton, the object of the artistic and spiritual life is to foster wonder at the beauty and majesty of creation and of life, and thus to awaken gratitude to God for the gift of life, no matter how ordinary that life may sometimes seem. I believe this is also one of the objects of Catholic education. To inspire a young person to wonder at the world and praise God is one of the greatest gifts we can give him, for these are the tools which help him live a rich human life.

St. John Henry Newman, who wrote much about education and the formation of the mind, claims that man is more than logical reason, and that knowing many facts does not necessarily lead to living a good life. In order for the whole person to be well formed, he must acknowledge the reality of God, his own fallen nature, and his need for God. Only then can a person be transformed, in order to live virtuously and to achieve his final end, which is happiness in the sight of God. This is what Catholic education should impart to students—both academic formation and formation of character. This is what a Catholic school should do—not only teach young people facts (an important thing indeed); but also help them see how those facts relate to reality; show them the beauty of truth and of creation; help them become “intelligent lovers,” as one of my college professors expressed it; and help them know, love, and serve God with their whole lives. All this can only be accomplished by digging for that “submerged sunrise of wonder.”

Miss Magdalena Dajka graduated from the Thomas More College of Liberal Arts in 2020 and is working on a master’s degree in Classics through the University of Dallas. She is passionate about liberal arts studies and Catholic culture and loves leading students to encounter the beautiful traditions of Western culture. In the past, she has taught and tutored music, math, writing, and crocheting, and she is now happy to be teaching some of her favorite subjects, Latin and literature. In her free time, Miss Dajka enjoys playing music with friends, reading classic literature, crocheting doilies, taking walks among the beautiful New Hampshire scenery, and singing in the choir at St. Patrick’s in Newport.
